To make a good job as a fund you have to find great investment opportunities, however, to make an outstanding job you need to have an amazing team in order to foresee the next business trend.
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MSc. in Finance as Dean List Scholar and MBA both from University of Southern California, bachelor in Biochemistry by ITESM; as a serial entrepreneur Gomez-Ortigoza founded and funded Startups in the computer and communications space both in Mexico and in the USA for three decades. On 2010 he was awarded a patent from USPTO and IMPI in Mexico. For the last ten years he has been an angel investor in Biofab and Smart IT startups both in Mexico and in the US.
Technology from University of California at Davis and BsD in Chemical Engineering from University of Guanajuato. Expertise in the food processing industry for more than three decades in administration and operation of industrial plants and design of food an chemical manufacturing processes. Experience in design, scale up and start up of food processing plants as Operations Director and responsible of Capex Investments in multiple countries.
Public Accountant, graduated from the University of Leon (UDL) in 2008 and specialized in Fiscal Strategies (UDL) in 2009. In 2009, she began her professional development as an accountant at the company Ipsobox, SA de CV, a company that promoted technology in the State of Guanajuato. In 2018 he began working as Administrative Manager at Eplanet.Com, SC, a company that provides financial and technical resources to other companies to support their growth and development. At the beginning of 2021, Lananta Bio-Soft, SAPI de CV, an investment fund that invests in Startups where he works as Controller, participated from its foundation. Without a doubt, he has always worked with a broad ethical, moral and transparent sense. In companies he has worked as Accounting, Financial and Administrative Manager. Accustomed to working under pressure and always with a friendly and professional treatment with customers and suppliers.
Ph.D. in Biotechnology from ITESM, M.Sc. program in biotechnology at the same institution, Molecular Biologist from the University of Baja California. He has worked in the development and production of monoclonal antibodies for pharmaceutical purposes, for which he was hired by Tec de Monterrey, while still a student. In 2009 he became a full time professor of the same institution, teaching Genetic Engineering and Protein Engineering as well as Molecular Biology for the graduate program; among other courses. During the same year, due to the H1N1 influenza pandemic origin in Mexico, José Manuel directed his research towards the development of a new platform for the production of influenza vaccines. In 2012 he was considered by Technology Review “one of the 10 outstanding innovators of Mexico” for his work. He is currently working one a COVID vaccine.
As an entrepreneur with a bachelor in Finance Joseariel Gómez has been actively investing in the FINTECH space. Ten years ago he abandoned a position at Merrill Lynch to learn how to code and start his first Fintech company. After a couple years of coding financial apps in social networks and the cloud, he founded a Fintech named Shastic that automates banking lending processes via AI and Robotic Process Automation. He is currently active in the space as an investor and as CEO of Shastic, Inc.
He is an Industrial Engineer graduated from Tecnológico de Monterrey, Co-founder of Monitor App®, the first industrial IoT platform in Latin America that integrates into a simple cloud solution, non-invasive technology for industrial digitization for the production floor. Francisco has successfully implemented more than 100 digitization projects in national and international manufacturing plants, achieving efficiency increases of more than 20%. MonitorApp®, the company he co-founded in 2017, is already working with national and international manufacturing companies in Mexico and abroad. Before founding MonitorApp®, Francisco was responsible for the statistical validation of more than 500 operations at the General Motors Silao plant. He also has 5 years of experience as a quality coordinator at the GM Silao transmission plant.